Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A different point of view

I can count on both hands how many pictures I have of me and my kiddos.
Sad but true.
I am not a big fan of seeing myself on film and I am usually the one behind the lens.

But my mom has challenged me to make an effort to change this. She was inspired by an article written by a stay at home mom who is determined to capture the day to day moments of being a stay at home mom. You know the moments, the ones that seem to slip away without notice. Like the days you swore you could not handle one more Dora episode or the days you could read Goodnight Moon with your eyes shut. The moments that you sometimes forget but once you are reminded you wish that you could hold onto them a little bit longer.

There are so many days that I wish I could hold onto forever. I realize that I cannot capture every moment on film but after reading the article and getting a few nudges from mom I am determined to keep my camera set on timer and capture the day to day moments that I hope to hold onto forever.

Today the girls and I made jello. It was a beautiful blue and we decided it would be fun to cover it with sprinkles, whip cream and some chocolate chips. Right before we tasted our first chocolate chips I grabbed the camera, set the timer and captured a fun afternoon moment of me and my girls.

Thanks mom, the timer is set.


Mom said...

WOW...I love it..Dad said what a great idea and hopes you will keep it up. You are the heart of the family and it is so fantastic to see the love in your smiling face with your beautiful little ones basking in it... Love, Mom

Loraine said...

You look absolutely Gorgeous!!!!

Unknown said...

This is such a wonderful reminder! We have to get over how we look and know our kids love us no matter what we look like and that we are just as important in their memories as they are in ours!
I will work on this right along with ya. And isn't a blog the perfect place to journal them all?
♥ Jen